A Novel by Charles Adrian Trevino
Copyright 2006, 2018


Chapter 5

At the same time in another part of the country, the weather was not so fine; the darkening sky was threatening electrical storms, and the wind was beginning to whip the branches of trees around in a maniacal frenzy.  But in a large, elegant mansion, surrounded by a large forest many miles from the nearest city, the people sitting there were unconcerned about the coming tempest.

Bet Bader looked out at his attentive audience from the podium at the front of the auditorium that had been built into the west wing of his hilltop mansion.  The large palatial structure sat at the center of a huge wooded estate that stretched for a thousand acres around it.  This building housed the most heavily guarded and surveillance–proof room in the entire country; it's walls, floors and ceilings were inspected weekly for any electronic eavesdropping instruments that might have somehow gotten planted there, even though only the most trusted insiders of the Elite Usher High Council were ever allowed inside, or anywhere near.

"And so, in conclusion my fellows, let me repeat that one of the only remaining major obstacles in our quest for global unity is the resistance of the Taipang monarchy to our plans for establishing a dominant monetary institution in their country.  As I pointed out earlier, these leaders are intelligent, well–organized, knowledgable and suspicious; the people they rule are resourceful, proud, brave and inventive.  The entire country is highly resistant to our attempts to inundate them with debilitating narcotics, or to instigate quarrels amongst their different factions, which hinders us greatly in our usual methods of dividing, conquering and exploiting."

Bader paused for a moment, surveying the congregation that filled the large room.  "However, we have been most successful in our attempts to infix resentment in the pugnacious minds of the Longfellows in regard to these foreigners, who look so very different from their favorite movie stars." Bader grinned as a wave of laughter erupted from the assembled audience.  The contempt the Ushers felt for their favorite puppets, the Longfellows, was only equalled by their paranoia of these warlike beasts.  "At the same time as we undermine their peace–loving Christian faith, we are flooding their society with glorified images of war and destruction; we are instilling vain concepts of supremacy, intolerance and hatred in their schoolbooks, their newspapers, their movies, and of course their good ol' rock 'n roll." Bader grinned again as more contemptuous laughter rolled through the crowd.  This show of humor always signaled the end of the meeting and the beginning of the celebration that usually followed.

"But what about Carlos Fontana?" someone cried out in an exaggeratedly high–pitched falsetto voice.  Again the laughter poured through the hall, but this time it was louder and continued for a while longer.

Bader joined in briefly, then waited for the merriment to die down.  "Oh, yes," he said in a mock–serious voice.  "That one does pose a bit of a problem.  However, perhaps if we keep our heads and try not to panic, our combined talents may somehow find a means of dealing with that noble and altruistic Enemy of Satan… that Soldier of God!" This time Bader led the barrage of merriment, reveling in his supremacy as he laughed.  "At any rate, the very important Mr. Fontana appears to be preoccupied at the moment… too many hobbies, perhaps?" Bader uncharacteristically assumed a pose as if he were surfing an ocean wave.  He was rewarded by yet another salvo.

"And now, gentlemen… this meeting is concluded.  Let us proceed to the festivities!"



Copyright 2006, 2018 by Charles Adrian Trevino.